Celebrating the release of "Eiichi Ohtaki Recording Diary Vol.1" : Nearest Faraway Place > 자유게시판


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Celebrating the release of "Eiichi Ohtaki Recording Diary Vol.1&#…

페이지 정보

작성자 ulJpjy 댓글 0건 조회 9회 작성일 24-11-18 15:30


So I haven't been able to write a blog for a while. I was writing another story about the third issue of "mal", but I stopped halfway through that too. Also, I had been writing "All About NIAGARA CALENDAR" all this year, but I had to stop because I wrote about Lavey. Speaking of recording, I found out yesterday that "Eiichi Ohtaki Recording Diary Vol.1", which I had been checking every now and then and had been wondering about but hadn't been released yet, will be released on March 20th, the day before Niagara Day this year. Wonderful, wonderful, happy, happy. The number of pages is 448 pages, more than "Vol.2". It's amazing. I'm sure there will be plenty of stories about "NIAGARA CALENDAR" in it, so I thought I could read that and then write about it, but I have some stories I've started writing, so I'll finish them before Niagara Day comes. Still, it's hard to believe that Yayoi starts tomorrow.

So I haven't been able to write a blog for a while. I was writing another story about the third issue of "mal", but I stopped halfway through that too. Also, I had been writing "All About NIAGARA CALENDAR" all this year, but I had to stop because I wrote about Lavey. Speaking of recording, I found out yesterday that "Eiichi Ohtaki Recording Diary Vol.1", which I had been checking every now and then and had been wondering about but hadn't been released yet, will be released on March 20th, the day before Niagara Day this year. Wonderful, wonderful, happy, happy. The number of pages is 448 pages, more than "Vol.2". It's amazing. I'm sure there will be plenty of stories about "NIAGARA CALENDAR" in it, so I thought I could read that and then write about it, but I have some stories I've started writing, so I'll finish them before Niagara Day comes. Still, it's hard to believe that Yayoi starts tomorrow.


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